Monday, August 15, 2005

Lost in so many ways :D


Ok, i've finished updating on Edinburgh - finally - now to real life... well, what i'm currently watching on tv anyway... hehehe... I managed to miss all the first episodes of Lost mainly from being in Edinburgh and working and stuff - but then i discovered that the geniuses at E4 were repeating them all in one go tonight - so i just watched the first 3 episodes (and Lost Revealed) straight through - and i must say, i'm intruigued. It seems like a really good, interesting show - not only with the character development, but also the whole polar bears/monster thing they've got going on... although i hope it doesn't start to seem, after a few epidsodes, that they're unnecessarily dragging it out and not telling you anything, because that would start to get annoying - and the final reveal of what's going on witht he island better be good too, 'cos i think a lot of people will be very unhappy if it's not, but for now i'm happy and i'm hooked - oh dear...

Having said that, it does distract me from the looming menace that is exam results (only 3 days 9 hours and 46 minutes, or alternatively, 290567 seconds... not that i'm counting ::) ). Thing is, i reckon i might be really really stuck what ever my results are. I don't know if i have the grades for Cambridge or not, but i doubt i'd miss UCL as insurance. But then, do i go to UCL or do i just apply to do tech theatre instead???? And, i've been starting to wonder whterh i'd actually like to go to cambridge even if i got in anyway... but i think maybe i'm just being paranoid and subconsciously preparing myself for missing my offer.... who knows? So, um academic or practical? Philosophy or theatre? hmm... grr - i can't stand this waiting - i think i may just go mad in the next 3 days... (well not that i'm not already, but ya know what i mean...)

hohum... i should go to bed or something


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